Sunday 17 June 2018


Lukas Moodysson's comedy "We Are The Best" is one of the greatest of films dealing with childhood as well as one of the most uplifting, and uplift is something you're not always guaranteed with Moodysson. The kids in question are three girls barely into their teens who form a (not very good) punk band but this is only a jumping off point for a genuinely funny picture about friendship based on the graphic novel by Coco Moodysson. It has the flimsiest of plots but a surfeit of feeling and Moodysson handles his young, and not so young, cast superbly.

As the young would-be punks who start the band Mira Barkhammar and Mira Grosin are absolutely terrific and if Liv LeMoyne, as the older girl they rope in to help them, doesn't make the same impact it's simply because she has the more sober role. Otherwise I can't find fault with this film and, as well as laughing out loud several times, I had the biggest of grins on my face from start to finish.

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