Sunday 19 August 2018


A sexually charged, agitprop reimagining of "The Admirable Chricton", Lina Wertmuller's  "Swept Away ..." caused no end of controversy when it first appeared in 1974 as rich bitch Mariangela Melato and her communist-leaning hired hand Giancarlo Giannini are 'ship-wrecked' on an uninhabited island where he takes the upper hand, literally as well as metaphorically, and she succumbs to being slapped around as if the whole thing is nothing more than a game of very rough slap and tickle.
Had the movie been directed by a man it might have been banned but Wertmuller brought her own satirical edge to the proceedings turning it into an often very funny comedy of ill-manners. For most of the time there's no-one else on screen but Melato and Giannini and they are both superb while Ennio Guarnieri's sun-drenched cinematography ensures the film is always good to look at. Take it seriously, of course, and you'll probably find it offensive; so along with the joke and you'll almost certainly find it good, if not very pc, fun. Madonna did a remake that died the death.

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