Sunday 11 April 2021


 This Clint Eastwood spy thriller was never going to win Oscars but in its own thick-eared and rather tasteless fashion it's reasonably entertaining with Eastwood both directing and starring as the retired assassin brought back to perform one last 'sanction', (that's a 'hit' to you and me). He was a sprightly forty-five when he made it, a bit old, perhaps, to be scurrying up drain-pipes never mind the Eiger. You may also think him a sexist, mysogynist, racist, homophobe and for someone posing as a qualified art professor he also seems to be singularly lacking in brains; this is definitely not one of his better performances. In fact, until they get to the mountain it's really rather banal with a 'McGuffin' as daft and as obvious as any in the movies. Luckily for us, George Kennedy and Jack Cassidy turn up and in their over-the-top fashion give the movie a much needed kick in the rear but unfortunately at 129 minutes it's also much too long.

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