Sunday 2 May 2021


 Ask almost anyone which animals or creatures they are most afraid of and they are more likely to say spiders or rats rather than tigers or bears and anyone with a real aversion to rats might best be advised to give "Willard" a miss. Daniel Mann's 1971 classic about a boy and his pet rats, a whole army of them, that he trains to take revenge on anyone who wrongs him, is a Grade-A horror comedy with a Grade-A cast headed by a young and brilliant Bruce Davison as Willard. Others in the cast include Sondra Locke as the girl he attempts to have a relationship with, Elsa Lanchester, (superb as ever), as his demanding mother and a brilliant Ernest Borgnine as his thoroughly nasty boss. It was successful enough for a sequel, "Ben", named after one of Willard's rats, but despite a title song sung by Michael Jackson, it never really lived up to its predecessor.

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