Tuesday 9 June 2020


"The Lineup" is a classic B-Movie from Don Siegel derived from a television series of the time and starring Eli Wallach as a psychopathic drug courier in San Francisco. It was an original screenplay by Sterling Siiiphant and was superbly shot on location by Hal Mohr. If it plays like an episode from a tv series that isn't necessarily a bad thing; the fifties and sixties represented a Golden Age in American television, particularly where crime dramas were concerned but Siegel gives this one an edge of brutality that wouldn't have been possible on tv as well as some A-list production values. Wallach's terrific, (it was only his second film), and Robert Keith is quite magnificent as his somewhat philosophical associate. It may not have launched Siegel into the big-time but it certainly established him as a cult director and as a maker of tough, lean crime movies and action flics. This is a terrific genre piece.

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 Bresson at his most austere with a subject in keeping with that austerity, "The Trial of Joan of Arc" may lack the formal beauty ...